
Oct 7, 2012


There's one thing you can accuse Vegas of: they are playing too safe. The majority of the events happening in the series have already been used in a bunch of other movies. I mean, how many times before I've seen how a hero tells his sidekick to stay outside, while going to a dangerous place full of armed criminals, only for the latter to disobey and save the former on a very last minute.

And then for a period drama portraying the 1960s, they seem to have too many women with rather successful careers. In addition to Assistant District Attorney, we now meet a new manager for Savoy accounting department, a daughter of Chicago mob boss, Mia Rizzo (I was expecting a fatal chick to appear at some point, now we have to wait for her to hook up with Dixon, right?).

There's also a victim's girlfriend, who seems to be a bit frivolous dating one guy, then shortly after having an affair with another. I wasn't even born at the time when the story happens, of course, so I might be wrong about it, but it doesn't seem like socially accepted behavior, so they can't really use it all the time (last episode's murdered girl also run away with her boyfriend and just lived with him, unmarried). I don't know, maybe they wanted to reflect the second wave of feminism like that, but it comes out too intense. Then, of course, they balance it by seriously comparing a woman to a hat.

Look at her! A man was killed over you and you're all joyful a couple days later.
Savino and Lamb's relations so far resemble those of Emily Thorne and Victoria Grayson of Revenge: they despise each other, but don't openly attack. What they do probably falls into the definition of trolling: Ralph personally brings back to Vincent his man, who tried to assassinate Perrin in prison, whereas Vincent sends chips Ralph said he doesn't want to Ralph's home. Bold, but it worked!

Investigation itself was carried out smoother than the last time, but also was more predictable. I knew who the killer was exactly when I saw him giving a stare at the end of the first conversation  he had with Ralph's brother.

I still believe it's the best drama that premiered this fall (maybe Nashville can beat it), it's not a masterpiece, of course, but it's solid. And I still like the bad guy more. But now as he blew Perrin and a couple of Feds up, he'll be in trouble, I presume.

Score 8/10

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